Section: Dissemination


  • Françoise Baude is in charge since September 2011 of the set up and animation of an educational program Cordées de la Réussite, which in 2015 has launched a robotic project around the humanoid robot named Poppy. Since 2013, she is in charge of the AVOSTII-STI2D program implementation for Polytech'Nice Sophia, requiring adverstising high-school pupils for engineering studies, in particular in ICT.

    As EIT Digital Master School University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis coordinator, she is in charge of publicizing, orchestrating, and reporting about all the EIT Digital master programmes involvement of UNS (Internet and Technology Architecture, and Data Science programmes); and as part of the Paris Node comité de pilotage, to follow French activities within EIT Digital, and report about UNS activities within this KIC. Overall this mission required about four full-time months of work in 2015. She presented these two master programs at the Telecom Valley Innovation meeting on March 27th and June 18 2015, and in more details at the Kick-Off meeting of the Master School organized in Eindhoven for master students, on October 23th 2015.

    She has been invited at the round table “Mystérieuses Big Data” on november 230th that was organized for the 50th anniversary of UNS.

  • Fabrice Huet is in charge, since 2011, of the Informatiques et Sciences du Numérique courses for the academia of Nice. These courses are offered to high school teachers who volunteer to offer a Computer Science option to their students. He has also given seminars in high school during the Fête de la Science.